Can human nature be so entirely transformed inside and out? Why didn't the bishop ask jean valjean why he was a criminal? Why did valjean try to insult the pope when he had just given jean food? Why did the author start the character “profoundest despair” with an answer without the question? Can the soul be completely changed by its destiny and turn evil when its fate is evil? Can the heart become distorted, contract deformities and the incurable infirmities, under the pressure of disproportionate grief, like the spinal column under a low ceiling? There are birds in the clouds, even as there are angels above human distress, but what can they do for him?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGES: In some respect he is fundamentally right, Jean Valjean felt outraged. A Reflection from this heaven shone upon the bishop but it was also a luminous transparency, for this heaven was within him. when Jean Valjean was felt like a slave in jail.
-caryatids-a stone carving of a draped female figure, used as a pillar to support the entablature of a Greek or Greek-style building.
-veritable- used as an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor.
CONNECTIONS: Connections from Les Mis to the real life is the poverty that Jean Valjean lives in. He’s a noble man who tries to help out his sister and 7 nephews. They had no one to guide them in the hard times they were living in. That is similar to the way that many people live today because they have no help from no one. There a few good Samaritan who decide to help them out and try to give them a new life. Back then there weren’t many people who tried to help them out.
Can man, created good by God, be made wicked by man?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGES: The outstanding passages that stood out to me were when he was still in prison.He wanted to get out bad and was trying to escape.
-Infamy- the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed.
-industrious- diligent and hard-working.
-pitiless- showing no pity; cruel.
-impious- not showing respect or reverence, especially for a god.
-providence- the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.
-deformities- a deformed part, especially of the body; a malformation.
-orgeuil- pride.
-fiercer- having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.
-peculiarity- an odd or unusual feature or habit.
CONNECTIONS: Jean Valjean felt robbed because over 19 years he got 171 francs and got 24 francs taken away from him. He was treated if he was still a prisoner even though his sentence was over and he was finally a free man. That’s the same treatment that many people today give people who come out prison because they believe that they still are bad people many are but many of them also change and became good.
Why would Jean decide to steal the silverware when the bishop accepted him into his home?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGES: A things that stood out in today’s reading was when Jean Valjean break into the biships church and stole the silverware and he ran through the yard and jumped the brick wall like nothing.
-phantasmagoria- a sequence of real or imaginary images like those seen in a dream.
-prie-dieu- a piece of furniture for use during prayer, consisting of a kneeling surface and a narrow upright front with a rest for the elbows or for books.
-prolonged- continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy
-yielded- produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).
-venerable- accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
-luminous- full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark
CONNECTIONS: There are people who are ungrateful and take away from the people who have them and helped them out. There are a few people who do that to people who help them out because they might not be use to getting help And feel that they will get hurt or in dept with them so they would take.
Why did the bishop decide to save Jean from getting arrested even after Jean stole the silverware?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGES: The bishop wasn't mad when he found out his silverware was stolen. Instead he was wearing about a flower that was dying. That was one of the things as there are to me in the reading of today.
-brigadier- a rank of officer in the British army, above colonel and below major general.
- solemnly- in a formal and dignified manner.
-implements- a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a particular purpose.
-grumbling- complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way.
-threshold- a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room.
CONNECTIONS: the bishop is really nice unlike other bishops who would make Jean Valjean back to prison for stealing there silverware. Not only he saved Jean Valjean from going back to prison for stealing from a church and a bishop whom everyone looks up to. He also decided to give him more things that Jean Valjean would sell to get more money to help him out. All the bishop wants is for Jean Valjean to be a better man than he was after he got out of prison. That’s just like some people or priest that I have known to do just to help
An outcast became a man who can be respected again.
Why did Jean start acting strange when with the little boy?
-gendarmes-an armed police officer in France and other French-speaking countries.
-forty-sous- forty-sub
-unbearable- not able to be endured or tolerated.
-tithicket- "occupying a middle or intermediate place," mid-14c., from Anglo-French meines (plural), Old French meien , variant of moiien "mid-, medium, common, middle-class" (12c., Modern French moyen ), from Late Latin medianus "of the middle," from Latin medius "in the middle"
-chimneysweep- a person whose job is cleaning out the soot from chimneys.
-desolate- (of a place) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.
-convulsively- constituting or producing a convulsion.
-bewilderment- a feeling of being perplexed and confused.
-dumbfounded- greatly astonish or amaze.
-deepening- make or become deep or deeper.
-glistening- (of something wet or greasy) shine; glitter.
-dislodge- knock or force out of position.
CONNECTIONS: Jean Valjean was looking at the little boy playing with his coin and it fell to floor and Jean Valjean stepped on it that connects to how police brutality is right now. Like how police treat black and Mexican people, they would abuse them physically and they cannot do anything to fight back because they would get in even more trouble to defend themselves.
What happened to Jean Valjean that made him act in such a strange way after stealing the kid’s coins? Did a voice whisper in his ear that he had just passed through the decisive hour of his destiny that there was no longer a middle course for him, that if there after, he were, not the best of men, he would be the worst, that he must now, so to speak, climb higher than the bishop or fall lower than the convict; that, if he wanted to remain become good, he must become; an angel; that, if he wanted to remain evil he must become a monster? Why was jean valjean being messed up to the boy if he was just shown kindness by the pope?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGE:On today’s reading we read about jean Val jean getting out of jail and walking and He saw a little boy flipping a coin then he went up to the little boy and he was just looking down on him and then the little boy messed up on the coin toss and it fell and jean Valjean stepped on the coin and he took the coin from the little kid and that’s a sign that the police put him in jail and took his freedom away like jean Valjean took the coin away.
-reeled- wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel.
-trembling- shaking or quivering, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty.
-virtue- behavior showing high moral standards.
-intellect- the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.
-hallucination- an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
-reverie- a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
-radiance- light or heat as emitted or reflected by something.
OUTSTANDING PASSAGE:In today’s reading we ready about a lot of fascinating passages one that’s stood out was about the “old one”and her sisters that needed a man to take care of them but the man would probably even up moving on faster then the girls would want too. Another outstanding passage that stood out to me was when the author describes the guy that had a laugh eye and the athour put so much detail into the men.
Who is Fantine and how will she be important later on? What does “early rise gets the prize” mean to us? OH READER, whoever you may be, do you have such memories?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGE: We Are introduced to a new character this last 2 days. Her name is Vantin. As of right now she isn’t important. The author was just telling us about her background.
-grisettes- a common edible woodland mushroom with a brown or gray cap, a slender stem, and white gills.
-pinnace- a small boat, with sails or oars, forming part of the equipment of a warship or other large vessel.
-attentively- while paying close attention.
-equilibrium- a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
-bedecked- decorate.
-rostrum- a raised platform on which a person stands to make a public speech, receive an award or medal, play music, or conduct an orchestra.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Oh reader, whoever you many be, do you have such memories? Have you walked in the underbrush, pushing aside your branches for the charming head behind your?
OUTSTANDING PASSAGE: Let us add that that joyous annoyance, the sudden shower, was withheld from this good-natured company, although favourite had said on setting out, with a magisterial and maternal air: “The snails are crawling in the paths. A sign of rain, children.”
CONNECTIONS: back then they also had the mentality to wake up early with the saying early bird gets the worm. They would wake up early and have a breakfast and talk bout
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